Unix Biotech Solan Himachal Pradesh- Chemical Manufacturers Suppliers Wholesalers

Unix Biotech

Solan Himachal Pradesh

Unix Biotech is located at Solan in Himachal Pradesh, India . They are Manufacturers, Research and Development, Suppliers, Wholesalers etc. of various chemical items. Their main business region is India . The chemicals they are supplying mainly used for Active Pharma Ingredients, Pharmaceutical chemicals, Pharmaceutical Industries etc. The main brands of the company are Pain-Ex, U-Mol, Zecort . They are achieved GMP, ISO certificates. The company established in the year 2005. Their Supplying / Manufacturing Chemical Items are given below :

Company Location : ,
Supplying / Manufacturing Chemical Items : , , ,

Unix Biotech
Plot No. 27, Phase No. 1, E.P.I.P.,
Jharmajari, Baddi, Solan Dist. – 173205
Himachal Pradesh, India

While you call, Please mention that you got these Phone Numbers from ChemicalBusinessDirectory.com
Phone Numbers
+919816234333 +911795271094


Manufacturers, Research and Development, Suppliers, Wholesalers  Business Regions India

Chemical Items

Caffeine Anhydrous, Deflazacort, Diclofenac potassium, Paracetamol

Industrial Usage

Active Pharma Ingredients, Pharmaceutical chemicals, Pharmaceutical Industries

Chemical Brands

Pain-Ex, U-Mol, Zecort



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