Kuber Trading Delhi India - Chemical Suppliers Traders Wholesalers Retail Shop

Kuber Trading Co.

Delhi India

Kuber Trading Co. is located at Tilak Bazar in Delhi, India . They are Distributors, Retail Shop, Suppliers, Traders, Wholesalers etc. of various chemical items. Their main business region is India . The chemicals they are supplying mainly used for Adhesive industries, Ink Chemicals, Paint Industries, Paper Industries, Pharmaceutical Industries, Preservatives, Solvents, Wood Preservative Chemicals etc. The main brands of the company are CHEETHA 555 . The company established in the year 1968. Their Supplying / Manufacturing Chemical Items are given below :

Company Location : ,
Supplying / Manufacturing Chemical Items : , , ,

Kuber Trading Co.
121, Tilak Bazar
Delhi – 110006

While you call, Please mention that you got these Phone Numbers from ChemicalBusinessDirectory.com
Phone Numbers
+911123910575 +919555119916


Distributors, Retail Shop, Suppliers, Traders, Wholesalers  Business Regions India

Chemical Items

Creosote Oil, Pine Oil, Rosin, Turpentine Oil

Industrial Usage

Adhesive industries, Ink Chemicals, Paint Industries, Paper Industries, Pharmaceutical Industries, Preservatives, Solvents, Wood Preservative Chemicals

Chemical Brands


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