Atlantic Care Chemicals India UAE Canada - Manufacturers Suppliers Exporters

Atlantic Care Chemicals

India UAE Canada

Atlantic Care Chemicals is located at Alappuzha – Kerala India, Ajman UAE, and Ontario Canada. They are Distributors, Exporters, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Wholesalers etc. of various chemical items. Their main business region is Canada, India, UAE . The chemicals they are supplying mainly used for Cleaning, Dish Wash Chemicals, Hand Wash Chemicals, Laundry Chemicals, Textile chemicals etc. The main brands of the company are Bio, Cello, Echo, Novo . They are achieved GMP, GOTS, Reach certificates. The company established in the year 1990. Their Supplying / Manufacturing Chemical Items are given below :

Atlantic Care Chemicals – India
Industrial development plot
Alappuzha, Kerala, India.

Atlantic Care Chemicals – Canada
3545 Stonecutter Crescent
Mississauga, Ontario,
L4M 7N7, Canada.

Atlantic Care Chemicals – UAE
P.O Box 2130,
Ajman, UAE

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Distributors, Exporters, Manufacturers, Suppliers, WholesalersBusiness Regions Canada, India, UAE

Chemical Items

Acid bio-polishing liquid cellulase, Anti Back Staining Agents, Anti Ozone Softeners, Bio- Polishing Enzyme, Bleaching agents, Color binding agents, Dry chlorine bleach, Dye dispersants, Dye fixing agents, Elastomeric Nonionic Silicone, Emulsifying agent, Enzymatic bleaching, Enzymatic peroxide killer, Fabric conditioners, Formaldehyde free dye fixing agents, Heavy duty fabric softener, High abrasion polished denim finish, Hydrophilic Silicone Finish, Hydrophilic Softeners, Lubricating agents, Micro Emulsion silicone gel, Micro Emulsion silicone softener, Nano Emulsion Pigments, Neutral alkaline cellulases, Neutral Bio Polish Enzyme Liquid, Non yellowing hydrophilic softener, Organic desizing agent, Organic resins finishing, Pigment, Pigment emulsion, Resins finishing, Silicone softener

Industrial Usage

Cleaning, Dish Wash Chemicals, Hand Wash Chemicals, Laundry Chemicals, Textile chemicals

Chemical Brands

Bio, Cello, Echo, Novo


GMP, GOTS, Reach

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