ISRAA Chem Middle East Sharjah UAE - Chemical Distributors, Importers, Suppliers

ISRAA Chem Middle East

Sharjah UAE

ISRAA Chem Middle East is located at Sharjah in UAE . They are Distributors, Importers, Suppliers etc. of various chemical items. Their main business regions are India, Saudi Arabia, UAE etc. The chemicals they are supplying mainly used for Paint chemicals, Paint Industries, Specialty chemicals etc. The company established in the year 2010. Their Supplying / Manufacturing Chemical Items are given below :

ISRAA Chem Middle East
Al Nayli Building No. 17, Office No. 8 1st Floor,
Al Wahda Street, Industrial area 1,
Sharjah, UAE

While you call, Please mention that you got these Phone Numbers from
Phone Numbers
+971504973693 +971504855672

Company Message

ISRA Chem is one of the leading distributors of speciality chemicals and related products in the Middle East. Our stocks quality products sourced from manufacturers all over the world thereby strengthening our ability to supply at short notice. Our services clients across an entire gamut of industries from manufacturers of coatings & printing inks to construction chemicals, the food industry, the cosmetic industry, detergent manufacturers, plastics & the rubber industry.


Business Regions

Chemical Items

Industrial Usage


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