Require following chemicals in Bulk Quantity - Enquiry From Selangor, Malaysia - Chemical Business Directory

Require following chemicals in Bulk Quantity – Enquiry From Selangor, Malaysia

Requirement :
Require following chemicals in Bulk Quantity.

  1. Liquid Caustic Soda (Sodium Hydroxide) 48 – 50%, quantity: 7514 kg
  2. Liquid Sulphuric Acid 50%, quantity: 80 kg
  3. Ammonia Hydroxide 25%, specific brand: PS Grade by MGC Pure, quantity: 15130 kg
  4. Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl) 10%, quantity: 24500 kg
  5. Ferric Chloride (FeCl3) Solution 38%, quantity: 800 kg
  6. Calcium Hypochlorite Tablet 70%, specific brand: NICLON, quantity: 360 kg

Post Date : 26 Jan 2021 

Company : znz
City / Country : Selangor, Malaysia
Phone No. : +60333585515

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