Here is the list / Directory of Chemical companies in Hamburg Germany. Find details like Phone Numbers, major chemical items, business activities, certifications, business regions, year of establishment of respective Chemical companies in Hamburg Germany.
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Chemical industry in Germany
The chemical industry in Germany is a significant sector of the country’s economy, with a long history dating back to the late 19th century. Today, Germany is home to over 2,000 chemical companies, with a total turnover of around €170 billion. The industry is characterized by its strong focus on innovation, with many companies investing heavily in research and development to stay ahead of the curve in terms of technology and sustainability. The industry is also heavily influenced by the country’s strong automotive sector, with many chemical companies supplying materials and components to major car manufacturers such as Mercedes-Benz and BMW. Additionally, the chemical industry in Germany is a significant exporter, with a third of its production being exported to other countries. The industry is also subject to strict regulations and safety standards, which are enforced by organizations such as the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) to ensure the safe production and handling of chemicals.
Chemical traders in Hamburg Germany
Here is the list / Directory of Chemical traders in Hamburg Germany. Find details like Phone Numbers, major chemical items, business activities, certifications, business regions, year of establishment of respective Chemical traders in Hamburg Germany.More about Chemical Companies
Chemical wholesalers in Hamburg Germany
Here is the list / Directory of Chemical wholesalers in Hamburg Germany. Find details like Phone Numbers, major chemical items, business activities, certifications, business regions, year of establishment of respective Chemical wholesalers in Hamburg Germany.More about Chemical Companies
Chemical distributors in Hamburg Germany
Here is the list / Directory of Chemical distributors in Hamburg Germany. Find details like Phone Numbers, major chemical items, business activities, certifications, business regions, year of establishment of respective Chemical distributors in Hamburg Germany.More about Chemical Companies
Chemical exporters in Hamburg Germany
Here is the list / Directory of Chemical exporters in Hamburg Germany. Find details like Phone Numbers, major chemical items, business activities, certifications, business regions, year of establishment of respective Chemical exporters in Hamburg Germany.More about Chemical Companies
Chemical importers in Hamburg Germany
Here is the list / Directory of Chemical importers in Hamburg Germany. Find details like Phone Numbers, major chemical items, business activities, certifications, business regions, year of establishment of respective Chemical importers in Hamburg Germany.More about Chemical Companies
Chemical suppliers in Hamburg Germany
Here is the list / Directory of Chemical suppliers in Hamburg Germany. Find details like Phone Numbers, major chemical items, business activities, certifications, business regions, year of establishment of respective Chemical suppliers in Hamburg Germany.More about Chemical Companies
Chemical manufacturers in Hamburg Germany
Here is the list / Directory of Chemical manufacturers in Hamburg Germany. Find details like Phone Numbers, major chemical items, business activities, certifications, business regions, year of establishment of respective Chemical manufacturers in Hamburg Germany.More about Chemical Companies
Chemical companies in Eschborn Germany
Here is the list / Directory of Chemical companies in Eschborn Germany. Find details like Phone Numbers, major chemical items, business activities, certifications, business regions, year of establishment of respective Chemical companies in Eschborn Germany.
More about Chemical Companies
Chemical distributors in Eschborn Germany
Here is the list / Directory of Chemical distributors in Eschborn Germany. Find details like Phone Numbers, major chemical items, business activities, certifications, business regions, year of establishment of respective Chemical distributors in Eschborn Germany.More about Chemical Companies