Ruicong Biotechnology (Shandong) Zibo Shandong China - Chemical Manufacturers Suppliers Exporters Importers

Ruicong Biotechnology (Shandong) Co., Ltd.

Zibo Shandong China

Ruicong Biotechnology (Shandong) Co., Ltd. is located at Zibo in China, Shandong . They are Exporters, Importers, Manufacturers, Retail Shop, Suppliers etc. of various chemical items. Their main business regions are Australia, China, Germany, Japan, Kazakhstan, Oman, Qatar, Russia, United Kingdom UK, USA, Uzbekistan, Vietnam etc. The chemicals they are supplying mainly used for Adhesive industries, Chemical Industries, Construction Industry Chemicals etc. The company established in the year 2019. Their Supplying / Manufacturing Chemical Items are given below :

Company Location : ,
Supplying / Manufacturing Chemical Items : , ,

Ruicong Biotechnology (Shandong) Co., Ltd.
No.16 Zihe Avenue, Nanding Town, Zhangdian District,
Zibo City, Shandong Province, China

While you call, Please mention that you got these Phone Numbers from
Phone Numbers
+8619862576720 +8618953366691

Company Message

We are Ruicong Biotechnology (Shandong) Co., Ltd. (“Ruicong Biotechnology”) was established in 2019 and located in Zibo City, Andong Province. Capital Main business scope: R&D of biotechnology, vegetable oil purification technology, technology transfer; R&D, production and sales of new environmentally friendly polyurethane film materials and new polyurethane film materials; Manufacture and sale of biological materials (excluding hazardous and controlled chemicals that can be easily produced); Import and export of goods, etc. The company has always adhered to the principle of "customer first, quality service."


Business Regions

Chemical Items

Industrial Usage


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