Leos Trmps Pune Maharashtra India - Chemical Manufacturers Suppliers

Leos Trmps

Pune Maharashtra India

Leos Trmps is located at Pune in India, Maharashtra . They are Exporters, Importers, Suppliers, Traders etc. of various chemical items. Their main business regions are Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Egypt, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, India, Iran, Jordan, Mexico, Romania, Senegal, Vietnam etc. The chemicals they are supplying mainly used for Fertilizers, Food Industries, Raw chemical materials etc. The main brand of the company is Kusai Plastics China . They are achieved IEC, MSME certificates. The company established in the year 2020. Their Supplying / Manufacturing Chemical Items are given below :

Leos Trmps
C 4 12 Gajendranagar, Dattawadi,
Pune, Maharashtra, India

While you call, Please mention that you got these Phone Numbers from ChemicalBusinessDirectory.com
Phone Numbers
+912024251911 +919763215812

Company Message

What we have: 1)Have excellent Practical,Sales/Marketing,Exports & Commercial functions experience for around 3 and half decade with respected Indian Industries and with award winning performance. 2)Updated/latest database about Indian Industries in respect of supply sourcing 3)Adequate network at all Ports in India along with 25 active global business associates. 4)Apart from Exports by MMT,we can also cater to your import requirements across the globe. 5)Excellent & cordial working terms with the Indian Embassies across the globe.


Business Regions

Chemical Items

Industrial Usage

Chemical Brands

Kusai Plastics China



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