KPL International Ltd. New Delhi India - Chemical Suppliers Distributors

KPL International Ltd.

New Delhi India

KPL International Ltd. is located at New Delhi in Delhi, India . They are Distributors, Suppliers etc. of various chemical items. Their main business region is India . The chemicals they are supplying mainly used for Industrial Chemicals, Laboratory Chemicals, Mineral Chemicals, Paper chemicals, Paper Industries, Pigments and Colours Chemicals, Specialty chemicals etc. They are achieved ISO certificates.

Company Message : KPL International Limited is one of the largest distributors and marketers of chemicals and polymers. With quality certifications like ISO 9001, the company is known for its impeccable quality standards in the supply of chemicals, polymers, papers, paper chemicals and other products. The SAP3 technology portal is its spine, allowing it broaden horizons and expand avenues.

The company established in the year 2009. Their Supplying Chemical Items are given below :

KPL International Ltd
Statesman House, 10th Floor, 148
Barakhamba Road, New Delhi
Delhi, India – 110001

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Distributors, Suppliers  Business Regions India

Chemical Items

Acid Copolymers, Antiozonant Wax, Barrier Polyamide, Bitumen Modification, Calcined Kaolin Clay, Calcium fluoride, Exfoliating Agents, Faucet Cartridges, Formic Acid, Glycerine, Halogen free Flame retardant, Hydrogen Peroxide, Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Chlorate, Sodium Fluoride, Sodium Metasilicate, Soy Polymers, Trifluoroacetic acid - TFA, Trifluoroacetyl Chloride - TFAC

Industrial Usage

Industrial Chemicals, Laboratory Chemicals, Mineral Chemicals, Paper chemicals, Paper Industries, Pigments and Colours Chemicals, Specialty chemicals



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