Koch Modular Process Paramus New Jersey USA - Distillation Equipment Manufacturers

Koch Modular Process

Paramus New Jersey USA

Koch Modular Process is located at Paramus NJ in New Jersey, USA . They are Manufacturers of Distillation Equipment. Their main business region is USA . The Chemical Equipment they are supplying mainly used for Distillation Industry, Distillation Plants, Lab Equipment, Purification Process, Solvent Drying, Solvent Recovery Systems etc. The company established in the year 1999.

Company Location : ,
Supplying / Manufacturing Chemical Item :

Koch Modular Process
45 Elsenhower Drive, Suite 350
Paramus, New Jersey 07652

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Company Message

Koch Modular Process is a design-build company specializing in the modular construction for chemical mass transfer systems. Whether it is the design and construction of distillation equipment & modular process systems, distillation columns and applications, or liquid-liquid extraction equipment, nowhere else in the industry can be found the full breadth of excellence in complete project solutions.Our expertise in multiple engineering disciplines that are required for the design and construction of our modular mass transfer systems include: chemical, mechanical, structural, electrical, and control engineering. We can also provide you with specific engineering services such as equilibrium data development and regression, process feasibility and optimization studies, process simulation and modeling, and process design packages and front end engineering studies. Let our over 25 years of process engineering and modular design experience work to your advantage.


Manufacturers  Business Regions USA

Chemical Items

Distillation Equipment

Industrial Usage

Distillation Industry, Distillation Plants, Lab Equipment, Purification Process, Solvent Drying, Solvent Recovery Systems

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