HARDEX Kochi Kerala - Chemical Manufacturers Suppliers Exporters Importers Wholesalers


Kochi Kerala

HARDEX is located at Kochi in India, Kerala . They are Exporters, Importers, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Wholesalers etc. of various chemical items. Their main business region is India, Qatar, UAE . The chemicals they are supplying mainly used for Coir Industries Chemicals, Paint chemicals, Paint Industries, Resin, Waterproofing chemicals etc. The main brands of the company are ALLSPACE, GOLDTOUCH, HARDEX, HYMAX . The company established in the year 1989. Their Supplying / Manufacturing Chemical Items are given below :

Floor #2, M.E.S.Centre,
Mathew Paily Road, Near Town Hall
Ernakulam North, Kochi 18
Kerala, India

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Exporters, Importers, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Wholesalers  Business Regions India, Qatar, UAE

Chemical Items

Acrylic Coating, Acrylic waterproofing, Cement Primer, Emulsion Paint, Epoxy, Epoxy Coating, Epoxy flooring chemicals - materials, Paint, Paver polish, PU Waterproofing, Resin, Roofing compound, Styrene-butadiene SBR, Thinner, Tile Polish

Industrial Usage

Coir Industries Chemicals, Paint chemicals, Paint Industries, Resin, Waterproofing chemicals

Chemical Brands


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