GHCL Limited Noida Uttar Pradesh India - Chemical Exporters Manufacturers Suppliers Wholesalers

GHCL Limited

Noida Uttar Pradesh India

GHCL Limited is located at Noida in Uttar Pradesh UP, India. They are Exporters, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Wholesalers etc. of various chemical items. Their main business region is India . The chemicals they are supplying mainly used for Boiler Water Treatment Chemicals, Ceramic Chemicals, Detergent Bar Raw Chemical Materials, Glass Industry, Industrial Chemicals, Mining chemicals, Textile Industries etc. The main brand of the company is LION . The company established in the year 1991. Their Supplying / Manufacturing Chemical Items are given below :

GHCL Limited
GHCL House, B-38,
Institutional Area,
Noida – 201301
Uttar Pradesh India

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GHCL become renowned manufacturers in the sector of chemicals, textiles, and consumer products segments. We are a diverse organisation which believes that Respect, Trust, Ownership and Integrated Team Work lead to Business Success. Over the years, our services has proved to be the best in almost all sectors we work in and succeeded in becoming the leader.


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Chemical Items

Industrial Usage

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