Aamur Chemicals Mumbai Maharashtra India - Chemical Manufacturers Suppliers Traders, Distributors

Aamur Chemicals

Mumbai Maharashtra India

Aamur Chemicals is located at Mumbai in India, Maharashtra . They are Dealers, Distributors, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Traders, Wholesalers etc. of various chemical items. Their main business region is India etc. The chemicals they are supplying mainly used for Perfume chemicals, Personal Care Chemicals etc. The main brand of the company is Aamur . The company established in the year 2022. Their Supplying / Manufacturing Chemical Items are given below :

Company Location : ,
Supplying / Manufacturing Chemical Item :

Aamur Chemicals
2nd Flr, 207, Resham CHSL, Station Road,
Goregaon West, Mumbai, Mumbai Suburban,
Maharashtra, India 400104

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We are manufacturers of indole used for agarbatti / incense sticks, perfume manufacturers.


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