Vijaya Resins & Chemical Boisar Mumbai Maharashtra - Manufacturers Suppliers

Vijaya Resins & Chemical

Boisar Mumbai Maharashtra

Vijaya Resins & Chemical is located at Boisar in India, Maharashtra . They are Manufacturers, Suppliers etc. of various chemical items. Their main business region is India . The chemicals they are supplying mainly used for Chemical Industries, Fertilizers, Foundry Industries, Lamination industry etc. The main brands of the company are VIFURAN, VIHARDNER, VIPHENOL . The company established in the year 1978.

Vijaya Resins & Chemical
Plot No.- W – 58(C), MIDC Industrial Area, Boisar, Kolavde Naka
Tal. & Dist. – Palghar, Mumbai
Maharashtra – 401506, India

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Company Message

Globe Carbon Industries established in 1978 is a manufacturer, exporter, and global supplier of industrial carbon products that help prevent corrosion in various industries. We have invented a process to manufacture carbon bricks for the first time in India (referenced in The Times of India dated 12th September 1978)


Manufacturers, Suppliers  Business Regions India

Chemical Items

Alkyl Phenol Formaldehyde Resin, Furan resin, Phenol formaldehyde resin, Resin, Vifuran Resin, Viphenolic Resin

Industrial Usage

Chemical Industries, Fertilizers, Foundry Industries, Lamination industry

Chemical Brands


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