Valiya Group of Industries Udaipur Rajasthan India - Chemical Manufacturers Suppliers Distributors

Valiya Group of Industries

Udaipur Rajasthan India

Valiya Group of Industries is located at Udaipur in India, Rajasthan . They are Distributors, Manufacturers, Suppliers etc. of various chemical items. Their main business region is India . The chemicals they are supplying mainly used for Agro Chemicals, Chemical Industries, Fertilizers, Mineral Chemicals, Raw chemical materials etc. The company established in the year 1999. Their Supplying / Manufacturing Chemical Items are given below :

Valiya Group of Industries
R.NO. 3319, Near Bagdara Nature Park
Jhamer Kotra – Mattoon Mines Road
Lakadwas, Udaipur -313003
Rajasthan, India

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+919309402202 +919309402204

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Valiya Group of Industries is India’s leading manufacturers and supplier of minerals, chemicals, and also provides the best logistics service across the country. We have completed a milestone of 25 years in the industry. We started our business with just one truck in Udaipur, Rajasthan and now we have 150+ trucks and many more to come. we established our first chemical factory Udaipur Phosphate in 2012, J.S. Minchem in 2013 and we have also started Josra Minerals in 2017, Bhoomi phosphate Pvt. Ltd. in 2019.We have also started Valiya Minerals Pvt. Ltd. in 2020. Our firm Valiya Logistics LLP transports the loose materials and Flare Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. supplies the chemical to different locations of India. Currently, we are having 5 manufacturing units in which we manufacture and produce chemicals, fertilizers and minerals. Our companies offer the expertise required to safely navigate transporting and storing these potential products. We also have a team of expert and hard-working employees having expertise in manufacturing and supplying minerals and chemicals. Our team is dedicated and always believes in delivering products on time. And we, The Valiya Group of Industries are always ready to take on challenges and provide the best services to our clients and customers.


Business Regions India

Chemical Items

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