IJEST - Academic Journal & Pharmaceutical Lab Los Angeles CA, California USA - Journal Publisher

IJEST – Academic Journal & Pharmaceutical Lab

Los Angeles CA, California USA

IJEST – Academic Journal & Pharmaceutical Lab is located at Los Angeles CA in California, USA . They are Chemical Industry Research, Chemical Tests, Journal Publisher, Publisher, Suppliers etc. Their main business region is USA . The chemicals they are supplying mainly used for Laboratory Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Industries etc. Their Supplying / Manufacturing Chemical Items are given below :

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IJEST – Academic Journal & Pharmaceutical Lab
626 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90017
California, USA

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Company Message

IJEST is a leading pharmaceutical lab in Los Angeles, offering a full site of diagnotic and development pharmaceutical tests to both businesses and public halth bodies. We also have an academic journal publishing cutting edge research on environmental technology, enginerring, biotechnology and bioengineering.


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