Ferns Metallic Chemicals
Secunderabad Telangana India
Ferns Metallic Chemicals is located at Secunderabad in India, Telangana . They are Distributors, Suppliers, Traders etc. of various chemical items. Their main business region is India . The chemicals they are supplying mainly used for Coating Industry Chemicals, Construction Industry Chemicals, Mechanical Construction Industry, Paint chemicals, Paint Industries, Water Treatment Chemicals etc. The company established in the year 1994. Their Supplying / Manufacturing Chemical Items are given below :
Company Location : India, Telangana
Supplying / Manufacturing Chemical Items : Blackening chemicals, Chromatising, Degreasing chemicals, Heat treatment salt, Metal surface treatment chemicals, Paint Removers, Phosphating chemicals, Rust preventive chemicals, Rust Removers, Scale remover
Supplying / Manufacturing Chemical Items : Blackening chemicals, Chromatising, Degreasing chemicals, Heat treatment salt, Metal surface treatment chemicals, Paint Removers, Phosphating chemicals, Rust preventive chemicals, Rust Removers, Scale remover
Ferns Metallic Chemicals
5-4-187/5/6, SMC Complex
Karbala Maidan, MG Road
Secunderabad, Telangana 500026
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More than 3 Decades of Experience in Metallic Surface Treatment Chemicals.