Electrochemical Products ( EPi ) New Berlin Wisconsin USA - Chemical Manufacturers Suppliers Distributors

Electrochemical Products, Inc ( EPi )

New Berlin Wisconsin USA

Electrochemical Products, Inc ( EPi ) is located at New Berlin WI in USA, Wisconsin . They are Distributors, Manufacturers, Suppliers etc. of various chemical items. Their main business region is USA . The chemicals they are supplying mainly used for Anti corrosion chemicals, Antiques industry, Antiquing, Chemical Polishing, Corrosion protection, Metal Cleaners, Metal Industries, Oxidizing, Patina etc. The company established in the year 1954. Their Supplying / Manufacturing Chemical Items are given below :

Electrochemical Products, Inc ( EPi )
17000 W. Lincoln Ave, New Berlin,
Wisconsin, USA, 53151

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Electrochemical Products, Inc. (EPI) manufactures electrochemical products for metal finishing since 1954. We offer 3 different blackening solutions: room, mid, and high temperature. Our silver plating solutions are holding a top spot for innovation and efficiency. In addition to providing a wide range of top-quality products, EPi offers superb technical advice and outstanding laboratory services.


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