Chandigarh Inks India - Chemical Manufacturers Suppliers Exporters Traders

Chandigarh Inks

Chandigarh India

Chandigarh Inks Pvt. Ltd is located at Chandigarh in India . They are Exporters, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Traders, Wholesalers etc. of various chemical items. Their main business regions are India, Nepal etc. The chemicals they are supplying mainly used for Ink Chemicals, Printing chemicals etc. The company established in the year 1976. Their Supplying / Manufacturing Chemical Items are given below :

Chandigarh Inks Pvt. Ltd
Plot No. 64, 22B, Industrial Area Phase I, 2,
Chandigarh 160002, India

While you call, Please mention that you got these Phone Numbers from
Phone Numbers
+919814007869 +911725089324


Exporters, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Traders, Wholesalers  Business Regions India, Nepal

Chemical Items

BOPP Extrusion Lamination Ink, Flexo Ink, Flexographic ink, Industrial Printing Ink, Packaging ink, Poly Printing Ink, PVC Printing Ink, Rotogravure printing ink

Industrial Usage

Ink Chemicals, Printing chemicals

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