Looking for the 3rd party manufacturers - Enquiry From Shanghai China - Chemical Business Directory

Looking for the 3rd party manufacturers – Enquiry From Shanghai China

Requirement :
Looking for the 3rd party manufacturers to produce the Solketal which is a green solvent in India and South East Asia .
Solketal (2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxolane-4-methanol) is obtained by the condensation reaction between glycerol and acetone, in the presence of an acid catalyst. Solketal can be used as a fuel additive to reduce the particulate emission and to improve the cold flow properties of liquid transportation fuels.
As the reaction is equilibrium limited, products separation and reactants recycle are necessary. The singular points of the acetone–glycerol–water–solketal–ethanol system are given in the flow. Accordingly, the separation system involves at least three distillation columns for the separation of acetone/ethanol/water mixture (to be recycled), water (product), solketal (product) and glycerol (recycled).
The above is for the reference to have a basic idea of the manufacturing flow.

Post Date : 06 Sept 2022 

Company : Solvay
City / Country : Shanghai China
Phone No. : +86 13817347859

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